International Love Corporation

The Experimental Shape Of Happiness

LP Vinyl Ltd.
Cat No:
In Stock
17.00 €

The International Love Corporation is a band and at the same time an ethos. It is as the name suggests, a gathering of people, with a few core members, but anyone can be a part of this. A reaction to all the crap that goes on in the world, that is constant, just with ever changing players. Trying to find the light within the dark. The ILC has moved between countries. Its founder, Simon Eugene aka Comfort, has journeyed across the world with it. Setting up in different continents to create moments of celebration around the concept. The Experimental Shape of Happiness is an album is about love, of wanting to reach something higher. But if you’re going to preach that message then you have to question first what is love? And then you have to question yourself, about where you are at as a person, because you can’t start singing about these virtuous things without looking at who you are in all of that. So the ILC is about a personal journey and also creating this immensely positive atmosphere of celebration whilst understanding the conflicts within that, recognizing the dark within The light. This is what the Experimental Shape of Happiness is about. And the song Shelter captures that more than any other. To create that atmosphere, in its recording, everything had to be done live, old style, the band all set up in one room, everything bleeding into everything else, and just going with it. Nothing fake, nothing programmed. Just the moment of happening. Trust in each other. I think we all believe that each time we get together magic happens, just by the ‘declaration’ of it. The name inspires us to be that, in the moment, just this fantastic bond that exists between anyone who is part of it.